
Find 360i @ Ad Age Next, Fortune MPW & CreateTech this November

October 30, 2017

Loyal blog readers, you hear from us all the time, you read up on our latest client work, pay close attention to our take on major industry news, and you even keep up with how our employees spend their spare time. Now’s your chance to see our thought leadership take the stage! No, not the Broadway (our talents do have their limits) but the conference circuit stage.

This month, hear from our CEO, CMO and President as they participate in fireside chats at the Fortune MPW Next Gen Summit, moderate panels during 4A’s CreateTech and join other leaders for industry discussions at Ad Age Next.


360i CMO Abbey Klaassen @4A’s CreateTech : Designing for a Voice-Activated World

When: Thursday, November 9

Time: 9:55AM PT / 12:55PM PT

Where: Los Angeles, CA

Abbey will be hosting a discussion this year at 4A’s CreateTech with thought leaders at the forefront of voice-activation across disciplines about designing for this platform and its audience. The panel includes NPR’s Senior Director of Digital Products Joel Sucherman, Michael Francisco from Amazon’s Alexa product team and Edison Research VP Tom Webster.

360i CEO Sarah Hofstetter @FortuneMPW Next Gen Summit: Leading and Believing

When: Monday, November 13

Time: 4:25PM PT / 7:25PM ET

Where: Laguna Nigel, CA

Sarah joins Fortune’s MPW Next Gen Summit line up this year for a fire side chat with Fortune’s Assistant Managing Editor, Leigh Gallagher. Sarah will discuss how she turned her faith-based differences into C-suite advantages before a stellar audience of game-changing executives, entrepreneurs and innovators in business, along with leaders in government, philanthropy, education and the arts.

360i President Jared Belsky @AdAge Next : Are You Ready for Marketing in a Voice-Controlled World?

When: Wednesday, November 15

Time: 9:50AM ET

Where: New York, NY

Jared is joining a panel of industry leaders at Ad Age Next to discuss what the rise of voice-powered technology like Amazon Echo and Google Assistant mean for the modern marketer. Hear how brands can prepare for voice search and interact with consumers in this new era.