Today, 360i has been named a Leader in Forrester Research, Inc.’s report: The Forrester Wave™: Lead Agencies, Q4 2016. 360i received the highest scores of any agency in the evaluation in the Strategy category – comprised of Corporate Vision and Corporate Culture – as well as the highest scores in Campaign and Experience Development and Client Partnership criteria. According to Forrester, “360i sets the new pace for lead agencies with its ability to both deliver digitally-led strategies and help clients adapt internally to fully realize those strategies….”
Forrester’s report stated: “Marketers long turned to their traditional advertising shops for lead agency services, but times they are a changin’. Dissatisfied with non-integrated, advertising-focused approaches, brands are pursuing non-traditional partners to serve as lead agency.”
The report assessed the state of the lead agency market and how agencies in the industry stacked up against one another in terms of Current Offering, Strategy and Market Presence. To make their determination Forrester examined past research, client need assessments and conducted agency and expert interviews.
In the course of Forrester’s research, ten of 360i’s clients were interviewed. As part of their feedback, clients cited the agency’s “ability to hone in on undiscovered consumer truths, data-fueled consumer journeys, and subsequent campaign strategies, which leverage emerging technology.”
In a statement earlier today, 360i CEO Sarah Hofstetter said, “We’re particularly honored by the powerful testimonials from our clients that demonstrate we’re not just talking the talk, but walking the walk as a Lead Agency. Today’s ever-evolving marketing landscape doesn’t require separate digital and lead agencies – it requires an agency that can lead today and adapt for tomorrow. We look forward to helping clients continue to successfully navigate, succeed and plan for the future.”
This recognition for the agency comes on the heels of media agency Vizeum strategically aligning with 360i in the United States, bringing its 150 employees into the fold for a combined force of nearly 1,000 and opening up opportunities for 360i to become an even more formidable contender in the integrated marketing and media AOR landscape.
For more information or to view the report, please contact