Creative & Tech General

360i Creates “The Longest Dance Move”

December 10, 2012

At our annual holiday event this year, we wanted to put a new spin on standard party photography – and so, “The Longest Dance Move” was born.

We invited everyone at the party to bust a move on a small photography set in the venue space. We spent the first hour of the party rapidly photographing hundreds of employees dance in succession. People were encouraged to dance however they liked, with just one condition: their moves had to start in the same exact fashion the previous person’s move had ended.

The effect – after some quick and crafty editing from our photographer and creative team – was a single continuous dance move.

The big surprise: it was displayed for the last hour of the party on a digital billboard across the street.


Miami Ad School Creative Interns:

Andy Schwitter
Dhiya Choudary
Ferdi Rodriguez
Keri Tan
Kyung Wan Kang
Mina Mikhael
Meghan Gallagher
Max Pilwat
Philip Hovensjö
Westley Taylor

CCO: Adam Kerj

Photography: Gary He / Insider Images