Influencer Marketing

Influencer Spotlight: Catching Up with Adrian Kulp

August 28, 2015

It’s no secret that parent blogging has been, and continues to remain, a steady influential genre in the ever-growing blog landscape. Countless mom and dad bloggers have been sharing product reviews, parenting advice and shopping deals for years. That being said, if you take a closer look within the vast array of parent voices making their way into newsfeeds daily – you will often uncover much more than the latest product review. What you’ll find are unique personalities and stories from some unexpected perspectives. Enter Adrian Kulp: former comedy TV development executive for Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison Productions and Chelsea Handler’s Borderline Amazing Productions, and comic booker for ‘The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson’ on CBS – now the voice behind popular parenting blog, Dad or Alive.

We caught up with Adrian as part of our “Influencer Spotlight Series” to get a peek into how he started blogging, how he evaluates brand partnerships and where we can find him in the future.

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360i: When and how did you start your blog?
AK: In 2010, after almost 13 years in the entertainment industry, I made the decision to leave to become a full-time stay-at-home dad (SAHD). My daughter, Ava, was only ten weeks old at the time, and the transition from executive into primary caregiver couldn’t have gone less smoothly. After several weeks of deconditioning from the Hollywood lifestyle, I began to find a routine and gain confidence in being a parent. I missed being submerged in the comedy world, but quickly realized that the ‘day in, day out’ trials of being a dad were ripe with material. As a creative outlet, I decided to start spilling my guts, and sharing honest, unedited thoughts about my journey – and so, Dad or Alive was born.

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360i: What would you say has been the biggest contributor to the growth of your fan base today?
AK: I think people like reading about the truth. Life – and parenting – isn’t always pretty, and people can appreciate that. They like to see other parents fall down and get back up. They like to know that they’re not alone.

360i: What sorts of criteria do you consider when evaluating brand partnerships?
AK: My approach right now is to do my best in aligning with brands that make sense for my family – brands that make sense for my current life situation as a SAHD for three kids under the age of six. I look at the things my kids are interested in (as well as myself) and think about whether it’s something that can generate organic content for the brand, as well as my followers. I also consider if the partnership with be mutually beneficial. Is a brand willing to share the content that I’m creating for them across their social channels? Are they willing to create a destination page on their home site, featuring the work of their ‘content contributors’? If I can bring them a great story and a new audience, and they can help me build my following (as well as their own), I see the potential for a mutually beneficial situation.

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360i: How has your previous career in Comedy shaped your experiences today?
AK: I’ll be completely honest – parenting is hands down the most difficult thing I’ve done in my life. Making people laugh and telling stories is something I’ve always enjoyed, and I’m lucky that it’s always come easy for me. As for being a SAHD, I try my best not to get frustrated, upset or angry when I’m at the end of a ten or twelve-hour day flying solo and things aren’t going my way. It’s difficult sometimes, and that’s when the comedy experience definitely helps. I’ve learned to stop for a minute, step back and find the humor in a toddler covered in marker or poop.

360i: What have you found to be the most rewarding moments as a dad blogger over the years?
AK: I think the fact that I’ve documented almost every important moment of my kid’s lives is something special. I don’t know yet whether or not they’re going to love me or hate me for it – but it’s out there. It exists if they ever want to reminisce, awaken memories of their childhood and hopefully be proud of the dad I was.

360i: What kind of content do your fans react to best? What’s the secret to keeping them constantly engaged?
AK: I think my followers appreciate the ‘holy shit’ moments – like my kids accidently locking me out of the house. But it’s always nice to pepper in some of those downright precious and loving moments, too – my daughters first Easter dress or my son hitting his first baseball. I’m not sure if any of that is a ‘secret’ – it’s just real, and we like real.

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360i: What kind of work are you hoping to do in the future?
AK: I’m in the process of making my blog a little more well-rounded and exploring things I really love – DIY ideas, recipes and travel. It’s great to share a funny story or anecdote a few times a week, but I’d love to also share ideas around what I’m really passionate about and create a dialogue around them.

Follow Adrian on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and of course, his blog!